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Friday, July 8, 2016


I've found another favorite destination! Bangkok was great in so many ways. The flights are easy (meaning hardly any call bells and people who actually say please and thank you), Thai food is magical, and the people are incredibly welcoming. I've been twice already and still can't wait to go back again.

The first time I went, we got to our hotel pretty late, and usually this means I'm going straight to bed. But since the flight was so nice and easy, I wasn't too tired to meet the crew for drinks and dinner. The captain knew of a good place down the street and had never been sick from the food there, and that was as good a reason as any for us to go.

The alley where we ended up was home of my new favorite dessert and the biggest rats in the world. Seriously, these rats were big enough to be lap dogs. Before you judge me for eating somewhere where rats also enjoyed the food, they were in the sketchy bathroom down the alley. While our restaurant wasn't anything special to look at, it was clean and the food was great. One little old lady cooked everything by herself on an outdoor oven that looked like a hot dog stand. And my new favorite dessert? Mango sticky rice. I crave it everyday now.

The next morning, I took a tuk tuk to the Grand Palace. Not going to lie, my life flashed before my eyes a few times on the back of that thing. Anyways, because it was a billion degrees and a billion percent humidity outside, I wasn't going to wear long sleeves. I bought a scarf to cover my shoulders inside the palace, bought my ticket, and was ready to go in when a guard stopped me. Apparently you have to be wearing sleeves under the scarf, so the guy wouldn't let me in. Like sleeves will cover my shoulders any differently than a scarf that covered my whole upper body (can you tell I'm still bitter about it? lol) It was hot and I was hungry and combining the two means I was grumpy. I got my money back and left instead of buying a shirt to cover my harlot shoulders.

I rented another tuk tuk and the driver took me to one of the many temples of Buddha, Wat Intharawihan, with the biggest Buddha statue I'd ever seen. He also drove me to some shopping places and we had some street noodles for lunch before I went back to the hotel... Where I ordered more mango sticky rice. I'm addicted.

The second time in Bangkok is a really short story because a) I was sick and didn't want to go out and get worse, b) I left my debit card in Dubai so I only had the allowance we get on layovers so that, c) I couldn't do much without more money. I had been planning to get a facial and a massage. I just got the facial. I was going to order tons of mango sticky rice and hang out in the hotel. They ran out of mango sticky rice. I was so frustrated with myself for leaving my card in Dubai and with the hotel for not having my beloved sticky rice that I just went to sleep.

They don't sound like the best trips now that I'm writing about them, but I still love Bangkok. The flights are easy (there were only 50/500 passengers back to Dubai on the second trip!), the locals are the nicest, everything is super cheap, and best of all, mango sticky rice!