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Thursday, February 4, 2016

One month down...

I've already been flying for a month, but it feels like it's been waaaay longer. For the most part, I feel like I know what I'm doing on my flights and I thought I'd never know what I was doing. So many great things have happened since I finished training last month, and these are at the top:

1. Finding out that my sister is having a girl! I've been begging her to have another baby for ages, so this is probably my greatest news of the year.

2. Spending New Years in London

3. Meeting Chon, the Buddhist monk, in Singapore 
(more about that in my Singapore post, coming soon...)

4. Spending my birthday in Lyon and eating tons of cheese, chocolate, and wine

5. Having a Christmas sleepover with my Dubai friends and eating tons of pizza and chocolate

6. Getting the sweetest birthday presents from my friends here. A hand-painted Little Mermaid phone case, Victoria's Secret perfume, and a pizza dinner at said pizza restaurant. My friends are the best!

7. Finding an amazing pizza place in Dubai, because pizza here generally sucks. Pizza is a big part of my life, as you can obviously see. 

8. Crossing two new continents off of my bucket list, Asia and Australia

9. My February roster is pretty great. Only 3 turnarounds and 4 layovers!

10. About my roster... I'm going to back to Italy a.k.a. my favorite place ever, AND back to the good ol' U-S of A in New York City!  I've never been to Milan or New York so I can't wait! And both places are kind of a big deal when it comes to pizza, so... You know what I'm doing on my layovers. 

February Roster

I'm behind on posting, as always, but posts and pictures from Singapore, Melbourne, and Auckland will be up in the next day or two! 

1 comment:

  1. Can't wait to hear about meeting the monk, about your pizza experiences all over the world, and how you like Milan!
